Kayla Halde

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Hello again, my name is Kayla Halde and I am from Collinsville, IL . I am a speech communication major at SIUE with a minor in English and will be graduating in May of 2014. I love everything about my major and can not wait to start my career in this field!

Spare Time

On my spare time I love to run and work out. I do this everyday and get cranky if I do not have time in my day. Usually I run around six to eight miles a day depending on how much time I have to spare.

I am also a basketball coach on my spare time. This takes up a lot of my time. I go to the gym every day after school and work with the team to imporve their skills. I teach them more then just basketball. I teach them how to reach deadlines, how to be decent young ladies and how to live a successful life. I am not only a coach, but a role model for these girls.


I love my family. My mom is full Italian and comes from a very Italian home and my dad is 1 of 6 kids. So, my family is never boring. I am very close to my cousins and siblings. I have one sister named Lauren and she is my best friend. Also, with my dad being 1 of 6 I have tons of cousins. Most of them live across the country so I only get to see them so often, but the ones that live here, Jake and Karla, I am very close with. I lived out in the middle of nowhere growing up with 9 aches to play. My cousins lived down the street from us, so we have so many memories and have a blast when we are all together.

Fun Facts

I have a lot of fun facts about me. One thing is that I can write my name in cursive with Ketchup almost perfectly. I picked it upwhen I was waitressing and needed to entertain my guests. Second, I owned ostriches when I was a kid, but I have a phobia of feathers and birds. Third, I can touch my nose with my tongue with ease.